Stonewall was the match.
The Gay Liberation Front was the fire.
GLF changed history. The GLFF is preserving it.
What was the Gay Liberation Front?
The Gay Liberation Front (GLF) of New York was born in the ashes of Stonewall, the first LGBTQ+ organization to come out of the rebellion. It was the incubator for a wide range of organizations, from Radicalesbians, STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries), Gay Youth, Gay Activist Alliance, the Gay Men’s Health Project Clinic (now the Callen-Lourde Community Health Center), Identity House and Third World Gay Revolution. Members of GLF were at the forefront of planning the first Pride march, then called the Christopher Street Liberation Day March. Long before the word “intersectional” became fashionable, GLF partnered with other organizations, including the Black Panthers and the Young Lords, for sexual, racial and economic justice.
Learn more about GLF history.
What is the Gay Liberation Front Foundation?
The GLF Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to further an understanding of the historic centrality of GLF in New York to the post-Stonewall movement, by providing resources to learn more about that history within cultural and sociopolitical context.
Learn more about the Foundation and its mission.