The first six letters of authority spell author.
A selection of some of the books, videos, and works of our members
Eye-witness accounts of Stonewall. History. Art. Autobiography. Fiction. Poetry. Criticism. Essays. GLF members have left a legacy of written and artistic work that are primary resources for the history of the organization and the period. Some of these resources are available at your library (and if they’re not, request them). Some you can purchase online. All are compelling and important voices that should be heard more widely.
Featured Books
How to Survive Your Own Gay Life
Perry Brass
And Then I Danced
Mark Segal
We Set the Night on Fire: Igniting the Gay Revolution
Martha Shelley
Books by GLF Members
Sydney Abbot
(& Barbara Love) Sappho Was A Right-On Woman (1972) Stein & Day
Dennis Altman
Homosexual: Oppression And Liberation (1971, 1992) New York University Press
Coming Out In The Seventies (1981) Alyson Publications
The Homosexualization Of America (1982) Beacon Press, Boston
AIDS In The Mind Of America (1986) Doubleday, New York
Power And Community (1994) Taylor & Francis
Defying Gravity: A Political Life (1997) Allen & Unwin, Sydney
Global Sex (2001) University Of Chicago Press
Gore Vidal's America (2005) Polity Press
Tommi Avicolli-Mecca
Between Little Rock And A Hard Place (1993) Williams
Hey Paesan: Writings by Lesbians and Gay Men of Italian Descent
Arthur Bell
Dancing The Gay Lib Blues (1971) Simon & Schuster, New York
Kings Don't Mean A Thing (1971) William & Morrow, New York
Warren J. Blumenfeld
(& D. Raymond), Looking At Gay And Lesbian Life (1988) Beacon Press, Boston
(Ed) Homophobia: How We All Pay The Price (1992) Beacon Press, Boston
AIDS And Your Religlious Community (1991) Beacon Press, Boston
Perry Brass
Sex Charge (1991) Belhue Press, The Bronx
Mirage (1991) Belhue Press, The Bronx
Works And Other Smoky George Stories (1993) Belhue Press, The Bronx
Circles (1993) Belhue Press, The Bronx
Out There, Stories of Private Desires, Horror, and the Afterlife (1994) Belhue
Albert, or The Book of Man (1995) Belhue Press
The Harvest (1997) Belhue Press, The Bronx
How To Survive Your Own Gay Life (1999) Belhue Press, The Bronx
Angel Lust, An Erotic Novel of Time Travel (2000) Belhue Press
Warlock: A Novel of Possession (2001) Belhue Press, The Bronx
The Substance of God: A Spiritual Thriller (2003) Belhue Press, The Bronx
Carnal Sacraments: A Novel of the Global Future (2006) Belhue Press, The Bronx
The Manly Art of Seduction, How to Meet, Talk to, and Become Intimate with Anyone (2010) Belhue Press
King of Angels, A Novel About the Genesis of Identity and Belief (2012) Belhue Press
The Manly Pursuit of Desire and Love, Your Guide to Life, Happiness, and Emotional and Sexual Fulfillment in a Closed-Down World (2015) Belhue Press
A Real Life, Like Mark Twain with Drag Queens (2020) Belhue Press
Michael Bronski
Culture Clash: The Making of Gay Sensibility (1984), South End Press
Flashpoint: Gay Male Sexual Writing (1996), Masquerade
Taking Liberties: Gay Men's Essays on Politics, Culture and Sex (1996)
The Pleasure Principle (1998)
Pulp Friction: Uncovering the Golden Age of Gay Male Pulps (2003)
Some of Dajenya's published poetry appeared in Anything That Moves, Sinister Wisdom,
and various other periodicals, as well as the following 5 anthologies:
Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out
Sister/Stranger: Lesbians Loving Across the Lines
Bisexual Politics: Theories, Queries & Visions
What I Want From You: Voices of East Bay Lesbian Poets
Smash the Church, Smash the State!:The Early Years of Gay Liberation
Steven F. Dansky
Now Dare Everything: Tales of HIV-Related Psychotherapy (1994) Haworth Press
Nobody's Children: Orphans of the HIV Epidemic ( 1997) Haworth Press
Hey Man (essay), The Stonewall Reader, (2019) Penguin Books
"On Bearing Witness: Images and Reflections of the LGBT Movement (1969-1971) (2009)
“The Come Out! Reader, The Historic Newspaper from New York’s Gay Liberation Front (GLF) from the Beginning of the LGBT Movement after the Stonewall Rebellion" (2012) Christopher Street Press (and Perry Brass & John Knoebel)
“Hot August Night/1970 The Forgotten LGBT Riot" (2012) Christopher Street Press
N. A. Diaman
Ed Dean Is Queer (1978) Persona Press, San Francisco
The Fourth Wall (1980) Persona Press, San Francisco
Second Crossing (1982) Persona Press, San Francisco
Reunion (1983) Persona Press, San Francisco
Castro Street Memories (1988) Persona Press, San Francisco
Private Nation (1997) Persona Press, San Francisco
Following My Heart (2007) Persona Press, San Francisco
The City (2007) Persona Press, San Francisco
Paris Dreams (2009) Persona Press, San Francisco
Athens Apartment (2009) Persona Press, San Francisco
Arthur Evans
Witchcraft And The Gay Counterculture (1978) Fag Rag Books, Boston
The God Of Ecstasy (1988) St. Martin's Press, New York
Critique Of Patriarchal Reason (1997) White Crane Press, San Francisco
Mark Horn
Tarot and the Gates of Light: A Kabbalistic Path to Liberation (2020) Destiny Books
Charmed Lives: Gay Spirit in Storytelling (2006) anthology, Toby Johnson and Steve Berman, ed. White Crane Wisdom Series
Karla Jay
Dyke Life: From Growing up to Growing Old (1964) Basic Books
(Ed)(& Allen Young) After You're Out: Personal Experiences Of Gay Men And Lesbian Women (1975) Links, New York, (1976) Jove
(Ed)(& Allen Young) Out Of The Closets: Voices Of Gay Liberation (1972) Douglas, New York, (1978) Jove, (1992) NYU Press, New York and Gay Men's Press, London
(Ed)(& Allen Young) Lavender Culture (1978) Jove, New York, (1994) NYU Press
(Ed)(& Allen Young) The Gay Report (1979) Summit Book/Simon and Schuster
(Tr)(& Yvonne M. Klein)( introduction) The Woman Of The Roof by Rene Vivien (1983) Gay Presses Of New York, New York
The Amazon And The Page: Natalie Clifford Barney And Rene Vivien (1988) Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN
(Ed) (& Joanne Glasgow) Lesbian Texts And Contexts : Radical Revisions (1990) NYU Press, New York, Onlywoman, London
Lesbian Erotics (1995) NYU Press, New York
Tales Of The Lavender Menace (1999) Basic Books, New York
John Knoebel
“Somewhere in the Right Direction: Testimony of My Experience in a Gay Male Living Collective” (essay) Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation (1972) (eds.) Karla Jay and Allen Young, Douglas Publishing.
Michael Lassell
Poems For Lost And Un-Lost Boys (1985) Amelia, Bakersfield, CA.
Decade Dance (1990) Alyson, Boston
(Ed) The Name Of Love: Classic Gay Love Poems (1995) St. Martin's Press
The Hard Way: Essays, Stories and Poems (1995) A Richard Kasak Book, New York
(Ed) Eros In Boystown: Contemporary Gay Poems About Sex (1996) Crown
(Ed) (& Lawrence Schimel) Two Hearts Desire: Gay Couples On Their Love (1997) St. Martin's, New York
A Flame For The Touch That Matters: Poems (1998) Painted Leaf Press, New York
(Ed) Men Seeking Men: Adventures In Gay Personals (1998) Painted Leaf Press
Certain Ecstasies: Stories (1999) Painted Leaf Press, New York
(Ed) (& Elena Georgiou) The World In Us: Gay & Lesbian Poetry Of The Next Wave (2000) St. Martin's Press, New York
John Lauritsen
(& David Thorstad) The Early Homosexual Rights Movement 1864-1935 (1974,1995)
(Ed) (John Addington Symonds) Male Love: A Problem in Greek Ethics and Other Writings (1983) Pagan Press, Provincetown
(& Hank Wilson) Death Rush: Poppers & AIDS (1986) Pagan Press, Provincetown
Poison By Prescription: The AZT Story (1990) Asklepios
The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex (1993) Asklepios
(Ed) (& Ian Young) The AIDS Cult: Essays on the gay health crisis (1997) Asklepios
A Freethinker's Primer Of Male Love (1998) Pagan Press, Provincetown
The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein (2007) Pagan Press, Provincetown
Barbara Love
(& Sydney Abbot) Sappho Was A Right-On Woman (1972) Stein & Day
Larry Mitchell
Teacher's Dirty Pictures (?) Greenleaf Classics
The Terminal Bar (1982) Calamus Books
Stepsister's Skillful Mouth (1989) Greenleaf Classics
Acid Snow (2006) Calamus Books
The Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions, Calamus Books (1974) reprinted (2019) Nightboat Books
John Murphy (aka John Brault)
Homosexual Liberation (1971) Praeger Publishers, New York
Ed Mycue
Mindwalking 1937 To 2007 Poems New & Selected (2008) Philos Press
Night Boats (2000) Minotaur Editions
Because We Speak the Same Language (1994) Spectacular Diseases Press
Pink Garden Brown Trees (1991) Stingey Artist/Last Straw Press
Torn Star (1987) Opossum Holler Tarot
Edward (1986) Primal Publishing
Singing Man My Father Gave Me (1980) Menard Press
Root Route & Range The Song Returns (1979) Paper Castle
Root Route and Range (1977) Holmganger's Press
Chronicle (1974) Mother's Hen
Damage Within The Community (1973) Panjandrum Press
Thom Nickels
The Cliffs of Aries (1988) Aegina Press, Huntington
Two Novellas: Walking Water & After All (1989) Banned Books, New York
The Boy On The Bicycle (1993-4) Starbooks Press, Sarasota
Manajunk (2001) Arcadia Publishing, Philadelphia
Gay & Lesbian Philadelphia (2002) Arcadia Publishing, Philadelphia
Tropic of Libra (2002) Florida Literary Foundation
Out In History (2005) Florida Literary Foundation
Philadelphia Architecture (2005) Arcadia Publishing
Kenneth Pitchford
The Contraband Poems (1976) Templar Press, New York
Color Photos of the Atrocities (1973) Atlantic—Little Brown and Co, Boston
Flavia Rando
“Lesbians and the Health Care System.” with Radicalesbians Health Care Collective in Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation, 1972, (eds.) Karla Jay and Allen Young, Douglas Publishing
“The Next Generation: Learning Lesbian/ Lesbian Learning” in From Our Voices: Art Educators and Artists Speak Out About Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Issues, 2003, (eds.) Laurel Lampelo and Ed Cheek, Kendall/Hunt Publishing
“Between Bohemia and Revolution” in Smash the Church, Smash the State! The Early Years of Gay Liberation, 2009, (ed.) Tommi Avicolli Mecca, City Lights Books
Portrait of a Decade, 1968-1978: Photographs by Ellen Shumsky, 2009, (ed.) Flavia Rando, The Graeae Press
“To Transform Consciousness,” in Art After Stonewall 1969-1989, 2019, (ed.) Jonathan Weinberg, Rizzoli Electa
Curatorial Projects include:
In Our Own Voices: The Lesbian Herstory Archives, 2019, Stonewall 50, The New York Historical Society
Mark Segal
And Then I Danced: Traveling the Road to LGBT Equality (2015) OpenLens Books
Jason Victor Serinus (aka Jay Guy Nassberg)
Psychoimmunity And The Healing Process: A Holistic Approach To Immunity And AIDS (1990) Celestial Arts, Berkeley
Hope for Healing: New Holistic Approaches to AIDS and Other Immune Disorders (1992) Irvington Publishers
Martha Shelley
Crossing the DMZ, Women's Press Collective, 1974
Lovers and Mothers, Sefir Publishing, 1981
Haggadah: A Celebration of Freedom, Aunt Lute Books, 1997
Released from the Wheel, Ebisu Publishing, 2021
The Throne in the Heart of the Sea, Ebisu Publishing, 2010
The Stars in Their Courses, Ebisu Publishing, 2014
A Meteor Shower, Ebisu Publishing, 2019
We Set the Night on Fire: Igniting the Gay Revolution, Chicago Review Press, to be published June 2023
Fran Winant
Looking at Women: Poems (1971) Violet Press, New York
Dyke Jacket: Poems and Songs (1976) Violet Press, New York
Goddess of Lesbian Dreams (1980) Violet Press, New York
Allen Young
Gay Sunshine Interview with Allen Ginsberg (1974) Gray Fox Press, also published in translation in Spain, Italy, France, Brazil & the Czech Republic.
(Ed)(& Karla Jay) Out Of The Closets: Voices Of Gay Liberation (1972) Douglas, New York, (1978) Jove, (1992) NYU Press, New York and Gay Men's Press, London
(Ed)(& Karla Jay) After You're Out: Personal Experiences Of Gay Men And Lesbian Women (1975) Links, New York, (1976) Jove
(Ed)(& Karla Jay) Lavender Culture (1978) Jove, New York, (1994) NYU Press, NY
(Ed)(& Karla Jay) The Gay Report (1979) Summit Book/Simon and Schuster
Gays Under The Cuban Revolution (1981) Grey Fox Press; Spanish-language edition published in Madrid.
Left, Gay & Green: A Writer’s Life (2018) CreateSpace
Thalassa: One Week in a Provincetown Dune Shack (2010) Haley’s Publishing, MA